• Day in the Life session •
toulouse family photographer
The documentary approach to Family photography is getting more and more visibility however it remains a genre that is still rather vague for many people. Is this really the kind of session you want? How does it work? What is it really about? Here you will find my approach to Family photography: the way I will tell your story and an idea of the experience we will live together..
toulouse family photographer
What is Documentary Family photography?
Simply put, Documentary photography is about telling a segment of your life in pictures without setting things up.
I meet your family in an environment that is familiar to you: your home, your holiday rental, the forest, in front of the kids’ school… wherever really ; and I document what happens.
Unlike a Traditional photo session, Documentary photography allows you to capture all the tiny details and moments that characterize your family at that moment in Life. It highlights not only who you are, but more importantly who you are, each one individually, and together as a family.
This approach makes even more sense with children. Oh and a big bonus is that you don’t have to coordinate your clothes or play a role – just do what’s natural for you; it’s my eye that adapts to the scene, not the other way around.
toulouse family photographer

day in the life session
The thought of having a stranger at home makes me feel weird. I’m not sure I can be myself…
Trust is key.
I do a job that reveals your true self; I am not here to judge but to testify your truth.
I understand only too well the imperfection of our daily lives with all that can be chaotic and moving. But above all: we will be in contact regularly before our day in the Life session. We will most likely meet beforehand for a coffee (or a beer). By the time the day of the session arrives, you’ll feel like a friend is visiting you.
day in the life session

day in the life session
Are you going to climb on the bed and take our picture while we’re still asleep?
Cela ne dépend que de vous. Vous êtes seul(e)s à définir ce qui relève de votre sphère intime et privée. It’s up to you. You are the only one to define what falls within your intimate and private sphere. It is different for each and every one of the family I shoot.
Some families have no problem inviting me into the most intimate moments of their day. In return they will have beautiful and intimate photos of these quiet moments. Other families prefer to keep their private space private and while viewing the photos, they will feel that their comfort zone has been respected.
From our conversations prior to our session, you will have the opportunity to see where you want to place the cursor, and by the time we get to the session, we will have clearly defined your comfort zone.
day in the life session

day in the life session
We would like to have pictures of bath time, but we do not want them to appear on your site. Is this possible?
There is a publication clause in my contract; this way, the jewels stay in the family!
day in the life session

day in the life session
We’re really not doing much of anything. It’s gonna be a boring session, isn’t it?
I doubt that. First it is part of my job to combine your day in the life session with more extra-ordinary activities. This way the session goes well, without overloading it.
The ordinariest moment, like going to school, preparing a snack or emptying the dishwasher will have a different taste in a few years.
day in the life session

day in the life session
Our life is a mess. Okay, that’s not a question. But… our life is a mess!
Once again, I’m not here to judge you or anyone else. I’m not coming to your home to judge the way you live, but to collect memories and moments you will cherish and pass on to your children. Those sessions are unique because they are who you are.
You have children, right? Then it’s NORMAL that your life is a mess! This is part of the inalienable laws of nature: gravity exists, Earth is round, the sun will rise again tomorrow and life with children is a happy mess.
And you know what? One day, Lego bricks that stick to your feet, Playmobil toys that linger in the living room and marks on the windows at mouth level will be gone. Your children won’t accept your help anymore and you may end up missing that mess. I’m here so that you can always remember that sweet smell of fatigue.
day in the life session

day in the life session
How do we decide what we’re going to do?
The core of a Day in the Life session is to focus on activities that tell your story. We will talk beforehand about what you like to do, what you are used to do. This will allow to draw the main lines of the day. That way, we avoid those floating moments, so that you don’t have to ask yourself, “What do we do now?” This way you won’t only see pretty pictures and portraits while discovering our photo shoot – you will see part of your memories as a family.